DIY Soil Blend

It’s critically important to feed your soil before transplanting for the season. Do yourself a favor and save some money by mixing your own soil blends to top off your raised beds this year. The ratio is a simple 1:1:1 of materials readily found at your local box hardware stores or garden centers. I should start by saying that I prefer organic gardening methods, so please be aware of the ingredients in the specific items you select, as they are not always consistent location to location.

  1. Compost: add organic matter to the soil

  2. Top Soil: holds moisture longer and helps soil retain its structure

  3. Sand: enhances aeration and drainage

There are some things to look at before using a 1:1:1 ratio on the above. For example;

  • If your top soil is “sand heavy”, it means that there is a high ratio of sand in the mixture. You can determine this by examining the top soil in your hand and take note of the tiny brown flecks. If it seems plentiful, back off on adding equal parts sand and add more compost.

  • Not all composts are created equal. I prefer a mushroom compost. Some composts also have manure components, which is also fine, just be sure to read those ingredients to ensure you’re adding what you want to your soil, and ultimately your food.

Buying bagged soil is the answer for topping off beds to freshen the soil going into a new grow season, however, I would always suggest ordering bulk to fill new beds. As part of a kitchen garden consultation, you not only receive a custom sketch of your garden space, but options to deliver you a turnkey kitchen garden in as little as 3 weeks. Schedule a consult to take out the guesswork and take the first step to growing more in 2024!


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